Early American Trade with China
Trade Routes & Trading Strategies

Economics of the China Trade

Contrasting Views of Trade

Life on a Merchant Ship


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Lesson 1: Trade Routes & Trading Strategies

Vocabulary resource1_1
Mercantilism resource1_2
Global Economic Map resource1_3
Early American Trade Routes resource1_4
Mapping the Trade Routes resource1_5
Trading Strategies resource1_6
China Trade 1830-1860/Ships Logs resource1_7


Lesson 2: Economics of the China Trade

Vocabulary resource2_1
Profits and Commodities in the China Trade resource2_2
Value of Goods resource2_3
Fortune and Furs resource2_4
US Imports 1790-1817 resource2_5
US Exports 1790-1817 resource2_6
Total Value of US Imports and Exports resource2_7
Getting Rich in the China Trade resource 2_8


Lesson 3: Contrasting Views of Trade

American Ideas about Trade resource3_1
Europe’s Economic Tradition resource3_2
Emperor Qianlong’s response to the King of England resource3_3


Lesson 4: Life on a Merchant Ship

Vocabulary resource4_1
Log of the Empress of China resource4_2
Seaman’s Vade Mecum resource4_3
John Swift’s Letter Home resource4_4


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