
The Chinese Experience in 19th
Century America -
Curriculum Standards |
CONNECTION TO THE CURRICULUM: Immigration and urban life in the late 19th
century and industrialization.
Lesson |
Activities |
Format |
NCSS Standards* |
1.19th Century
American Ideas
About Other
Peoples |
1. Some 19th Century American Attitudes
Illustrations from the Popular Press
3. Popular Literature: Bret Harte
and Jacob Riis
4. The “Yellow Peril” 5. Solutions to the Chinese Immigration
1. Class or Group Discussion
2. Jigsaw Cooperative
3. Groups, Class Discussion
4. Groups, Class Discussion
5. Class Discussion |
1. I, II, III, IV, IX
2. I, V
3. I, V
4. I, V
5. V, VII |
2.Chinese Exclusion:
The Process |
1. Local and State Anti-Chinese
2. Using the 14th Amendment to
Challenge Discrimination: Yick Wo
3. “White Labor League” Boycott
4. Forming a National Consensus
Support of Exclusion: U.S. Senate Minority Report
5. Understanding the Exclusion
Act |
1. & 2. Class Discussion or
3. Small Groups
4. Class or Group Discussion
5. Class, Groups, or
1. I, II, V, VI
2. I, IV, V, VI, X
3. II, V, VII
4. II, V, VI
5. VI, IX |
Perspectives |
1. Lee Chew’s “Biography of a Chinaman”
Anti-Chinese Violence: The Rock Springs Riot
3. Getting Past the Gate: Paper
Sons and Daughters
4. Voices of the Chinese: Songs, Poetry, Fiction
5. Gender Imbalance in
the Chinese
American Population |
1. Individual and Class
2. Class or Group
3. Role Play with Partner
4. Class Discussion
5. Individual or Class
1. I,IV
2. I, II, IV, V
3. IV, V, VI, IX
4. IV, V, VI, IX
5. V
*The Roman numerals correspond to the ten thematic strands defined in Curriculum
Standards for Social Studies, Bulletin 89, National Council for the Social
Studies, 1994.